Listen to the interview with Dr. Heather Manley today at 2pm EST on Stories From Unknown Authors She will also be offering a giveaway. Rules: Readers must follow me through GFC here and follow the Human Body Detectives at and leave a comment. Giveaway last until mid October.
This is an innovative and inspiring series that will change the way educators teach health to young children.
A little bit about dr. heather: Dr. Heather Manley, who in 2001 received her medical degree from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, is a practicing physician whose primary interest is preventative healthcare for families. She is the author of Human Body Detectives, her educational children’s series of story-telling books, ebooks and ipad/iphone apps. She also promotes wellness and naturopathic healthcare on her website She lives on the Big Island of Hawaii with her husband and two daughters, and is currently at work on the next Human Body Detectives adventure. A little bit about Human Body Detectives: The Human Body Detectives (HBD) is an award winning story-telling children's book series and website for kids was founded by naturopathic physician, Dr. Heather Manley in 2008. As a doctor and a mother, Dr. Heather believes that if kids understand how the food they eat plays a direct role in how their bodies function, they will be more inclined to make healthy food choices. In her search for books and resources that provide engaging and entertaining stories on how the different systems in the body work and how nutrition plays a direct role, she discovered there were very few books out there doing this. That is when the idea for the Human Body Detectives series came to her.
Dr. Heather Manley has come up with a creative way to teach children about the human body. Book 1 in the Human Body Detective Series, The Lucky Escape, teaches the reader about the digestive system.
Merrin and Pearl's little brother, Robbie, swallows something small and shiny. Reading books about the body is something they do quite a bit, so they decided to take an adventure, by using their imaginations, into Robbie's mouth and then into his digestive system to see what is was that Robbie swallowed.
From there the reader will learn more about what the digestive system does, in all of it's juicy and gooey glory. Reader's will learn a tremedous amount of information but in a fun and adventurous way.

In book 2 Battle With The Bugs Merrin and Pearl are on another adventure, but this time it is inside of the Immune System. When their cousin, Max, gets sick, Merrin and Pearl want to help him get better, so they imagine themselves inside of Max's immune system to see how the body fights off germs. They run into some nasty bugs but also learn about the different ways our bodies protect themselves.
In book 3 A Heart Pumping Adventure the reader will be taken on another adventure, but this time its to the circulatory system. Concerned about their father's health, Merrin and Pearl find themselves inside of their father's blood vessels teaching the reader about how to keep their heart healthy and strong.
It is very important to teach children about good eating habits and healthy living. This series teaches children, not only about the different systems our bodies have, but how they are maintained and that is by exercising and eating healthy. Our bodies are amazing things and this series not just gives various terms and walks the reader through the body, but does so in an engaging way that will help children understand what the body does. It is easy to hear about what each system of the body can do but to actually learn the information as if the reader is experiencing it for themselves, brings clarity to a very complicated topic. When it comes to learning tough information, this series breaks it down in a fun and adventurous way that will delight children 6-10 years of age and will help them make better food choices that will have lasting efffects down the road.
What is an excellent addition to each of the books is the 'Did You Know Sections' that bring up interesting facts about each system, some that are very gross, yet also funny. Lots of information that the readers may not know. There is a glossary with great terms that are used in the book, jokes, and extra activities that help the reader understand how to add colorful foods to their diets. Parents and teachers will be thrilled with the ability to make learning about the body fun.