In Hong Kong, four friends are on a secret mission to retrieve a hostage
named Mei from a dangerous triad. Halene is the leader, the creative mastermind.
Daniel is the logical one and the client convincer. Sam is the translator. And
last but not least, there’s Bailey, the comforter, who calms clients amid
intense situations. After escaping with Mei, Sam and Bailey are left to watch over her while
Halene and Daniel set the rest of their removal plan in motion. But a gunman
discovers them and shoots Bailey in the shoulder…
Bailey shudders, blinks, swallows—and wakes up. No gunshot wound, no Sam or Mei, no Hong Kong. Just another vivid dream. Suffering from an undiagnosed sleeping disorder, every month or so, Bailey falls asleep for days at a time, experiencing what are referred to as “sleep attacks.” During these episodes, she always finds herself on dangerous missions with the same three people—though she’s never seen any of them or done any of these things in real life. Soon after the shocking end to her last sleep attack, both her dream life and her real life take an astonishing turn…
Author Bio:
The ever-imaginative Erin Kerr Rooks has been writing since she was fourteen. A sleepwalker, sleep-talker, and regularly vivid dreamer, she often surprises people with how much of her dream adventures she can remember upon waking. In Between Dreams was inspired by one of her most intriguing dreams.
Rooks, her husband, and their dog live—and dream—in Lehi, Utah.
Bailey shudders, blinks, swallows—and wakes up. No gunshot wound, no Sam or Mei, no Hong Kong. Just another vivid dream. Suffering from an undiagnosed sleeping disorder, every month or so, Bailey falls asleep for days at a time, experiencing what are referred to as “sleep attacks.” During these episodes, she always finds herself on dangerous missions with the same three people—though she’s never seen any of them or done any of these things in real life. Soon after the shocking end to her last sleep attack, both her dream life and her real life take an astonishing turn…
Author Bio:
The ever-imaginative Erin Kerr Rooks has been writing since she was fourteen. A sleepwalker, sleep-talker, and regularly vivid dreamer, she often surprises people with how much of her dream adventures she can remember upon waking. In Between Dreams was inspired by one of her most intriguing dreams.
Rooks, her husband, and their dog live—and dream—in Lehi, Utah.
In Between Dreams
In Between Dreams is a unique story about a woman named Bailey who lives through her dreams. She is narcoleptic and can fall asleep for long periods of times--even days. She is an investigative reporter who is reporting on Chinese crimes in Seattle. While she sleeps she dreams of being in Hong Kong with 3 friends who all work together to help people. Her dreams soon become reality spicing up her life and taking turns she wasn't sure was possible.
This is a 261 page novel many adults are going to enjoy. The twists and turns will keep the reader interested as they move through the story on Bailey's adventure. The characters are unique as the story line. Each character holds a unique talent as well as background. From a handsome Australian to a southern leader there is enough variety and depth to appeal to the reader, keeping them interested. The reader will be routing for that happy ending which changes Bailey's life forever.
Thanks for being on my show. It is greatly appreciated. You have such a unique story I know my readers will enjoy.