Hello Everyone,
I have the pleasure of interviewing Margot Finke about some of her new books that she has available. Her books can be used in many ways. They can be used to keep children's interest as well as to be used to help supplement with learning in a homeschool or classroom setting. Please check out her books!
I reviewed Prairie Dog’s Play Day which has 3 stories (Prairie Dogs – Bald Eagle Rules – The Stinker). When I received the e-book it was on CD in a nice cover which had a lot of special touches. Believe it or not it is my first time reading a children's e-book. It was easy to use. I sat down with my kids and we put the CD in. The flip book technology was an added touch that made the experience more fun. It sounds just like you are actually turning pages when in fact it is just the mouse or arrow key that turns the page. I thought that Margot did an excellent job combining a memorable rhyme with interesting informatin about each animal. My kids love animals so when we were finished with the book I asked them what they thought. They loved the book. They found it to be very interesting and fun. Gabriel's favorite part was the Prairie dog's and how a few of them stand watch while others hide in tunnels when a predator approaches. Sheldon loved the eagles and how they live in rocks on mountains and also make their nests their to protect it's young. Overall I feel that Margot's books are creatively written and well thought out. She definetly put the time in and the reader can feel her enthusiam about the animals she writes about. The books make great supplements when talking about certain animals in a curriculum to help with learning. Please check out her books. Great Job!
Joining us today is Margot Finke, author of the Wild and Wonderful Series for children. We’re going to talk to Margot about this new series and how parents or teachers can use these animal stories in their homeschool or classroom setting.
Welcome, Margot. It’s great to have you with us.
Thanks for inviting me, Renee. I am thrilled to be “speaking” to all of you.
Please tell our readers a bit about yourself.
I am a transplanted Aussie who writes mid grade adventure fiction and rhyming picture books. For many years, I have lived in Oregon with my husband and family. Our three children are now grown, and have presented us with four perfect grandchildren – me prejudiced? No way!
Gardening, travel, and reading fill in the cracks between my own writing plus Manuscript Critiques for clients, and helping other writers. My husband is supportive, though not interested in children's books.
I didn't begin serious writing until the day our youngest left for college. This late start drives my writing, and pushes me to work at it every day. I really envy those who began young, and managed to slip into writing mode between kid fights, diaper changes, household disasters, and outside jobs. "You are my heroes!"
How did your writing career begin?
Aha . . . When we first arrived in the Oregon, our three children were young. I didn’t want them to forget their Aussie heritage, so I put pictures in their rooms of all the weird and wonderful Australian animals. Then, every night they got to choose a critter, and I would make up a story about it – right off the top of my head.Later, as a teacher’s aid, I told classes about Australia and their wonderful animals – off the top of my head stories followed. One day in class, a hand went up. “Mrs. Finke, that ending’s different from last time.”
“For goodness sake write the stories down,” grumbled my teacher friend. “That way you’ll remember all the endings!”
So, I did. And the rest, as they say, is “picture books!”
Tell us about your Wild and Wonderful Series and how it can be used for homeschoolers in the classroom?
My “Wild and Wonderful” series is made up of seven rhyming picture books that tell fun facts about animals from the US and Australia. Like Mary Poppin’s song, “A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down.” The medicine in this case, being facts about different critters. And the sugar of course, is the fun rhymes that make these facts stick in a child’s head. A fun lesson is a lesson well learned: and I sprinkled facts about these critters into each verse. After children read my “Humdinger Hummers” for instance, every time they see a hummingbird, they’ll remember that it is the hummer’s long tongue that slurps up the flower nectar – not the beak. Plus, they eat bugs and gnats for protein, and that they are feisty and territorial to the max!
Parents and teachers can also take children to either my Wild US Critters or Down-Under Fun. Both pages offer extra information about the animals in my books, + links to other great critter sites. Look for “Nutty Notes.”
Readers also have a chance to get links or CD’s of you reading the books. Tell us more about that.
BUY ANY autographed book from my Website, either CD - or soft cover, and you will also receive a link to a FREE AUDIO of me reading that story. The audio includes the illustrations but not the text.
“Wild & Wonderful” series is also available from:
* Fictionwise: http://www.fictionwise.com/servlet/mwsearch
* Reader’s Eden: http://www.readerseden.com/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=65
and many other places. See links above.
Tell us about the other books that you have written.

“Rattlesnake Jam” was written with boys in mind – I remembered the hard time I had getting my son to read. This PB is a fun romp with Gran, Pa, and pot full of yucky green rattler jam. Pa catches them, but will Gran ever make him the rattlesnake pie he craves? And check out Gran’s Kitchen - http://mysite.verizon.net/mfinke/Rattler%20Recipies.htm#recipy - (if you dare!) Genuine rattler recipes: guaranteed to make Mom faint!
“Ruthie and the Hippo’s Fat Behind” - from G.A.P. Ruthie and her family move far from their old home. The move gives Ruthie a change of personality, as well as a new address. Ruthie's horrible moods drive her parents crazy. They grow big and ugly, like some Hippo’s Fat Behind! * Included is a parent/teacher guide + a coloring sheet.
“Horato Humble Beats the Big “D” from G.A.P.
Horatio hates English class. He is smart at everything else, but when he tries to read, the letters won't stay in the words - they slide everywhere. The words,"Teacher Conference," and "Special Class," fill Horatio with dread. * Includes coloring sheet and parent/teacher guide.

“Taconi and Claude - Double Trouble” - from G.A.P.Taconi, an aboriginal boy, lives on Coorparoo Cattle Station with his dad, the Station Cookie. He has a foot in two worlds, and his only friend is Claude, a sulfur crested cockatoo, with a big mouth, and a fund of wacky one- liners. A mini walkabout to catch bush meat that might save his dad's job, plus a disaster at the homestead, makes Taconi into a hero of sorts. Yet he is torn between helping his dad with a life on Coorparoo Station, or the call of his tribe and the Dreamtime Spirits, and the magic of the elusive kingfisher feather.
A visit from Dreamtime spirits guides Taconi into making the right choice. And of Claude is there for the fun, drama, to offer advice, and poke his beak into everything.
More details about all three upcoming books plus “Rattlesnake Jam” are available here: http://mysite.verizon.net/mfinke/Margot%27s%20Books.htm#other
When I received the CD of Prairie Dog’s Playday, it came in a nice paper CD cover with a picture of the book, a sample rhyming verse and other information. Is that special touch something you did or your publisher?
Clever of you to notice. Yes, that was my idea. The publisher is in Australia, and postage from there is way too expensive. So we have a deal, whereby I make the CDs of the series for the US market, and they take care of the world-wide downloads. We know each other well, and it has worked out nicely for both of us.
For homeschool parents, such as myself, we are always looking for the best curriculums, workbooks, supplements and subjects to best teach our children. What makes your Wild and Wonderful Series stand out from the rest?
I guess it is the catchy rhymes that sneak in lots of fun information, + new technology that HOOKS kid’s interest, and simply wonderful illustrations – I love every one of them.
The Internet is a marvelous thing. Two of my illustrators live in Turkey. Both have artwork in European galleries, and illustrate books. I found them both due to an online writing list on the Internet. One illustrator had no computer, and spoke no English: yet the delightful illustrations he did for“Kangaroo Clues” became the perfect companions for my verses. Go to My Illustrators, and read the HOW of it: http://mysite.verizon.net/mfinke/Books.html#illustrations
Do you have a website and/or blog where readers can find out more?
WEBSITE: http://www.margotfinke.com
Manuscript Critiques - Writing Help – My Books – “Musings”* Musical book trailer for “Rattlesnake Jam” and SLIDE-SHOWS of ALL my book covers and some illustrations
* HOOK KIDS on READING: http://hookkidsonreading.blogspot.com
* Margot’s Books for Kids and Writing News: http://margotfinke.blogspot.com/
Musical Book Trailer – Slide of all book covers and illustrations.
Where can readers purchase your books and how much do they cost?
“Wild and Wonderful” - animal series - fun facts in rhyme.
*Autographed CD from my website- - $9.95 ea.
Included: a FREE AUDIO link of me reading the story.
* Downloaded e-Book - - approx $4.00 ea – check for discounts.
Fictionwise : http://www.fictionwise.com/servlet/mwsearch Readers Eden:
and many other download sites.
“Rattlesnake Jam” - rhyming PB – boy and reluctant reader friendly.
* Autographed Soft Cover book from my Website: $10.95 ea
Included: a FREE AUDIO link of me reading the story. http://mysite.verizon.net/mfinke/Margot%27s%20Books.htm#other
OR - Soft Cover from:
Amazon : http://preview.tinyurl.com/ndk3oo
Barnes and Noble: http://preview.tinyurl.com/kpgsms Target: http://preview.tinyurl.com/ncvv9y
* Downloads - approx $5.00ea – check for discounts.
Fictionwise and many other sites
Publisher (GAP) - soft cover, CD, or E-Book download.http://www.guardianangelpublishing.com/rattlesnake-jam.htm
What's next for you? Is there anything else that you are involved in?
Hmmm, let me see. . . I am ghost writing a book for a client, while trying to keep up with a flood of Manuscript Critiques. There’s another Aussie Outback Boy’s Adventure that a publisher is interested in, and I must find the time to polish that. And, the garden is full of weeds and desperately needs watering. . . Yikes!! This is where my husband shines. He mostly cooks and takes care of the garden. Unfortunately, he doesn’t do windows or laundry! Guess no one is perfect!
However, all the above flies out the window when my two mischief’s granddaughters come to play. The antics of these two might be food for future picture book thoughts, but while the munchkins are with me, I let go completely. My husband is fond of telling everyone that our grandkids have more hope of growing up than me – his wife. YEA!!
Is there anything else that you would like to add or share?
No Renee, your questions gave me quite a mental workout. Thank you very much for this chance to meet your readers. I had fun. If anyone wants to contact me about my books, writing, or anything else, I am always happy to chat. Visit with me here: mfinke@verizon.net
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to our readers today. Good luck in all of your future endeavors. Please check out this series as well as the other books by Margot Finke.
A super review, Renee. What a wonderful glimpse into Margot's life.
ReplyDeleteYour books sound like fun. I need to add them to my list for Christmas gift. Making a note to do that. Thanks.
Beverly, thank you so much for your comment. I am thrilled with the way Renee's questions make me sound - almost cool!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Renee. It was a real pleasure for me.
* Critiques - Writing Help - Books: http://www.margotfinke.com
* Hook Kids on Reading - http://hookkidsonreading.blogspot.com/
* Books for Kids + Writing News - http://margotfinke.blogspot.com
Great review for what sounds like an awesome set of books. Great to learn more about Margot too!
Thank you Margot for the chance to interview you. It was a pleasure. Thank you Beverly and Cheryl for checking out the interview and leaving comments. I appreciate it.
Great interview! Margot Finke is a magnificient writer of rhyming books. I could listen to her stories for hours at a time. The words just roll off your lips and flow into your imagination. The illustrations are wonderful too. WAY TO GO MARGOT!
ReplyDeleteRenee and Margot: Terrific interview! I've known Margot for several years now and feel I know her even better through this wonderful interview. Margot, never grow up...enjoy every moment with your grandkids.
Children’s Author
Write What Inspires You Blog
Donna M. McDine’s Website
Cheryl, thanks a bunch for your comments and interest. I love writing for children. Can't wait for "Ruthie and the Hippo's Fat Behind" to be published. Illustrator K.C. Snider drew an awesome pink hippo - it steals the book!!
BUY any Autographed Book from my website, and receive a FREE AUDIO of me reading the story + the illustrations.
Kathy, spare my blushes, mate. I have to admit that rhyme and meter comes easy to me - so I can't take too much credit. However, if anyone does want to hear me read one of my stories, you can click on a FREE AUDIO link on my home page. http://www.margotfinke.com - These are done with the illustrations, in a program that is called Qlippets.
ReplyDeleteYou can also HEAR me chat about my Manuscript Critique Service, and all my books.
Donna, thanks for taking the time to leave such a great comment. Much appreciated, mate!!
ReplyDelete* HOOK KIDS on READING:
* Margot's Books for Kids + Writing News
Thanks to everyone for visiting my blog and talking with Margot today. It has been a great day! You will enjoy her reading the stories. She does a wonderful job on Qlippets.
Renee, I want to think you for including me in your Blog, and for reviewing one of the books in my rhyming animal series. I had fun working with you and answering all the great comments.
ReplyDeleteWay cook, mate.
* Margot's Books for Kids + Writing News